(801) 935-8449 info@sol-recovery.org

Neurodiversity & Disability Support

Action Toward Making a Difference…

Across the state of Utah mental health sevice providers continue to offer limited resources for those from the developmental disability community. For decades, there has been a primary focus on behavior modification, to ensure members of this community comply with “social norms”. This approach, while effective to change undesired behavior, has widely left underlying mental health conditions untreated.

Members of the disability population have one of the highest trauma incident rates in the country including physical, emotional and sexual abuse as well as financial exploitation. They continue to be among the most deeply marginalized people in the world.

Sol Recovery Community recognizes that dynamics of the disability community are expansive. There is exceptional education around supporting acquired disabilities during the life span, however, many higher education programs provide minimal learning opportunities focused on providing mental health support to those with a developmental disability. Our team has been trained to address the unique needs of this population and we are excited to serve you!

What is neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is the concept that human brains naturally vary in their development and functioning, and that this diversity is a normal and valuable part of human variation. This means that differences in brain wiring, neurological development, and cognitive abilities should be recognized and respected, rather than seen as deficits or disorders that need to be cured or fixed.

Neurodiversity encompasses a range of conditions, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, and other conditions that affect cognitive, sensory, and motor processing. Advocates for neurodiversity argue that these conditions are not necessarily impairments, but rather differences that can offer unique strengths and perspectives.

Can you serve a client with limited verbal communication?


People with language barriers may experience a range of challenges, including social isolation, frustration, and difficulty in expressing their thoughts and emotions. Therapy can help to develop coping skills and strategies to manage these challenges, as well as to improve their overall emotional well-being.

Our therapists will work with the client and other natural or paid supports in their life to identify any underlying emotional or behavioral issues that may be affecting their well being, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma. They can then develop a treatment plan that is tailored to the client’s needs and goals, which may include individual or family therapy, play therapy, or other specialized approaches.

Will you work with my other professional providers?

We understand that collaboration between providers is essential to the well being of our clients. We are happy to work as part of your support team! All we request, to protect your privacy, is a completed Release of Information. 


Reach out and a member of our team will contact you within 1 business day.